# Credits
The following images, assets, icons, scripts or other files are used in the item as listed bellow:
# Images
- Deathtostock (opens new window)
- Nothingtochance (opens new window)
- Pexels (opens new window)
- Pixabay (opens new window)
- Unsplash (opens new window)
# Videos
# Fonts
# Vector
- FlatIcon (opens new window)
- FontAwesome Brands 6 (opens new window)
- Material Icons (opens new window)
# Scripts
- Barba.js (opens new window)
- Bootstrap Util (opens new window)
- Circle Type (opens new window)
- Curtains.js (opens new window)
- dat.GUI (opens new window)
- GSAP 3 Animation Engine (opens new window)
- GSAP: DrawSVG (opens new window)
- GSAP: MorphSVG (opens new window)
- GSAP: ScrollTo Plugin (opens new window)
- GSAP: ScrollTrigger (opens new window)
- GSAP: SplitText (opens new window)
- Isotope (opens new window)
- Lenis (opens new window)
- Photoswipe (opens new window)
- Pristine - forms validation library (opens new window)
- Vanilla Lazyload (opens new window)